Daria recently visited Paris for a Lancome party (you can see pics here) and gave a quick interview to Vogue Paris. You can read the roughly translated article below ... the most interesting bit comes at the end! There are also some beautiful new pictures taken by Alexi Lubomirski for Lancome included with the article.
What do you think is the ideal spot for an unforgettable vacation? The most rejuvenating place, the more energizing?
"In my opinion, there is no more disconnecting than being on a sailboat away from the earth. Ireland has also become a place that I particularly like. Soon as I have a few days off, I m 'escapes. With its wilderness, its angular rocks that get lost in the sea, I think this country has the most beautiful beaches in the world, the most natural. "
Are you the type to plan your vacation well in advance or at the last minute from?
"Always at the last minute! Besides, I have not decided what I wanted to do this summer ... We'll see. Usually I book a flight just before departure, and once there, I let me wear the mood. "
Do you take the opportunity to exercise more or just put your body at rest?
"I am sailing whenever I have the opportunity during my long breaks, and it's still rather physical. But I love sleep so much and stay at home in peace!, I wish to retrieve all the hours of sleep that have failed me for the year, and especially to read. I just finished The Goldfinch (Donna Tartt), and just before I was absorbed by The Goddesses of Joseph Campbell . "